Maple City Sermons
At Maple City Baptist Church, we seek to preach and teach biblically faithful, gospel-centered messages that are relevant to our daily lives. We hope you're blessed and encouraged as we strive together to live out the Gospel and bring glory to our Fat...
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1 Samuel 7 "Ebenezer, What a Lovely Name"
Christians struggle. Periods of trial and difficulty can produce growth ...
Christians struggle. Periods of trial and difficulty can produce growth or discouragement, depending upon the response of the believer to that trial. God had Samuel set up an Ebenezer after Israel had seen a great victory so that in the future, when t...
FAQ: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? (Part 2)
This lesson will explore a few of the primary texts ...
This lesson will explore a few of the primary texts used by proponents of conditional security to defend their position (Hebrews 6:1-9, John 15:1-6, 2 Peter 2:18-22). We will attempt to explain how these passages might be interpreted from a position o...
FAQ: Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? (Part 1)
Are true born-again believers eternally secure or is our salvation ...
Are true born-again believers eternally secure or is our salvation conditional upon our behaviour or our continued faith. This is a question that believers have asked throughout church history and continue to ask today. This lesson will defend the po...
1 Samuel 7 "I Need Thee, O I Need Thee"
God places His children in trials and tribulations not because ...
God places His children in trials and tribulations not because He wants us to suffer, but because He intends to show us how much we need Him, and how He is always there. This lesson will underscore God's provision and protection when everything around...
Acts 24:22-27 "The Inconvenience of the Gospel"
Paul is given an opportunity to share the Gospel with ...
Paul is given an opportunity to share the Gospel with Governor Felix and his young wife Drusilla. Rather than focus only on love, grace and forgiveness, Paul proclaims to them righteousness, temperance and judgment to come. There is much we can learn...
1 Samuel 7 "It Gets Better, Right?"
Spiritual victories are exciting times in the life of the ...
Spiritual victories are exciting times in the life of the Christian, but they are often accompanied by hardships and trials. This lesson will explore the reason for some of those hardships and help believers see how, despite present circumstances, the...
FAQ: How Do Christians Grow Spiritually?
Spiritual growth is essential for the believer. Christ expects all ...
Spiritual growth is essential for the believer. Christ expects all of His children to grow in relationship and obedience to Him and His Word. This lesson will discuss some of the misconceptions of spiritual growth before tackling three key ingredient...
FAQ: How Should Christians Handle Homosexuality Biblically? (Part 2)
Christians have an obligation to know what the Bible says ...
Christians have an obligation to know what the Bible says about homosexual behaviour, as well as a duty to treat people who have same-sex attraction as Christ would. This lesson will explore how believers ought to respond to other believers who experi...
1 Samuel 7 "Sick of Self"
Israel finally came to the point where they realized that ...
Israel finally came to the point where they realized that God was so much greater than everything they were seeking to satisfy themselves by. They repented and put God before their own lives. Christians must realize that for us, to live is Christ!
1 Samuel 5-6 "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!"
God would not be used as a lucky charm for ...
God would not be used as a lucky charm for the children of Israel to give them exactly what they thought they needed, but when His ark was placed in the temple of Dagon, He demonstrated over and over again that there is only one God, Yahweh. This stor...