Maple City Sermons
At Maple City Baptist Church, we seek to preach and teach biblically faithful, gospel-centered messages that are relevant to our daily lives. We hope you're blessed and encouraged as we strive together to live out the Gospel and bring glory to our Fat...
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Acts 26:9-19 "When Our Plans Encounter God"
Paul explains to King Agrippa how his plans to ruin ...
Paul explains to King Agrippa how his plans to ruin the church of Christ were turned upside down when he encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. From that point on, he was careful to ensure that his plans fit the purpose God has saved hi...
FAQ: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
This lesson will explore the pagan and religious history of ...
This lesson will explore the pagan and religious history of Halloween, and then explore a passage in 1 Corinthians that will hopefully shed some light on whether or not it is right for believers to participate in Halloween.
Acts 26:1-8 "Because Jesus is Alive"
Paul stands before King Agrippa and confidently explains why he ...
Paul stands before King Agrippa and confidently explains why he does what he does. Paul grew up as an impressive Jew and he believed the promise that the Messiah would come; it wasn't until Paul understood the truth that the Messiah had come, was kill...
FAQ: What is Legalism and Why is it Dangerous? (Part 2)
Legalism is a problem prevalent in churches today just as ...
Legalism is a problem prevalent in churches today just as it was in first century Christendom. In this lesson, we will examine some of the dangers of legalism found in Paul's letter to the Galatians as he dealt with this awful perversion of the gospel...
Acts 25:13-27 "Pompous King Meets the Humble Criminal"
In this passage, Luke takes his time to provide us ...
In this passage, Luke takes his time to provide us with the details that led up to Paul's fifth trial that would take place before King Agrippa II. As we examine the scene, the contrast between the arrogant and sinful king and the humble and godly cri...
1 Samuel 9-10 "Wow, Your Life is Confusing!"
All Israel rejoiced to have a king like who was ...
All Israel rejoiced to have a king like who was tall, dark and handsome. Although he was an impressive king and a good man, he was not a godly man. As a result, Saul did not complete the tasks God had for him, even when given the Spirit of God to com...
1 Samuel 9 "As You Wish"
This sermon will highlight the sovereignty of God as He ...
This sermon will highlight the sovereignty of God as He uses mundane, ordinary events to anoint a young man named Saul as the first king over the nation of Israel. God does not always pull back the curtain so that we can see Him working in our lives, ...
Acts 25:1-22 "What to Do When the Wicked Are Winning"
Paul found himself in adverse circumstances for an extended period ...
Paul found himself in adverse circumstances for an extended period of time. Occasions arose where God could have intervened to free Paul, but rather than freeing Paul from his adversity, God worked through it to accomplish His purposes and answer Paul...
1 Samuel 8 "Hey, We Are Just Like You!"
Israel was destined to have a king. In fact, long ...
Israel was destined to have a king. In fact, long before the monarchy began Moses wrote about specific laws to govern the king. The problem in 1 Samuel 8 is not their desire for a king, but that their desire comes from a longing to be just like every...
FAQ: What is Legalism and Why is it Dangerous (Part 1)
Believers have a tendency to become self-righteous at times and ...
Believers have a tendency to become self-righteous at times and self-indulgent at others. This first lesson will explore the motivations for legalism and some of the signs to look for in our own lives that reveal our legalistic tendencies. The hope i...