What Up, Cuz?
two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, ...
two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, present, and (hopefully) future. "What Up, Cuz?" also features guests and friends of the cousin's Williams'.
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What Up, Cuz? 08: The Beast with Two Belles
In which the cousins get to know Mikey, aka "Button-Mash"
What Up, Cuz? 07: The Longshot
In which the cousins try to figure out "What came ...
In which the cousins try to figure out "What came out of Mikey's Mouth?"
What Up, Cuz? 06: Eaten Alive By A Sh!t Machine
In which one of the cousins sounds like Winnie the ...
In which one of the cousins sounds like Winnie the Pooh
What Up, Cuz? 05: Catfish & The Notebook
In which the cousins celebrate Valentine's Day
What Up, Cuz? 04: Walking on Eggshells
In which the cousins debut "Fuddy Bustin'" then Kasey meets ...
In which the cousins debut "Fuddy Bustin'" then Kasey meets Kevin Smith and makes sweet love to Jason Mewes
What Up, Cuz? 03: imthebomb.com
In which the cousins discuss "Black Friday"
What Up, Cuz? 02: Hot Dog!
In which the cousins get a puppy
What Up, Cuz? 01: Rawlest
Two cousins; Kasey & Tyler Williams, dissect the minutia of ...
Two cousins; Kasey & Tyler Williams, dissect the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary.