What Up, Cuz?
two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, ...
two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, present, and (hopefully) future. "What Up, Cuz?" also features guests and friends of the cousin's Williams'.
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What Up, Cuz? 48: A Midsummer Night's Scream
In which the cousins recite "Pwn-etry"
What Up, Cuz? 47: Juggling Club
In which one cousin corrupts a minor
What Up, Cuz? 46: Restarted From the Bottom
In which the cousins reunite with Mikey, and each other...
What Up, Cuz? 45: Mr. MaGumpfrump's Mr. Humpatory
In which one cousin's friend is playing the field
What Up, Cuz? 44: Indian Hot
In which one cousin goes to Nashville
What Up, Cuz? 43: Picardi on the Rocks
In which the cousins are "Trekkin' Off"
What Up, Cuz? 42: Detective Chief Inspector
In which the cousins go to Broadway
What Up, Cuz? 41: Ketchup & Honey
In which the cousins tell a Mikey tale
What Up, Cuz? 40: Cuzbands
In which the cousins and Mikey share a mail-order bride
What Up, Cuz? 39: Foot Walkin'
In which the cousins have a threeway (hi-five)