Stuff to blow your mind
Stuff To Blow Your Mind
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Can animals be gay?
If you’ve ever pondered the existence of same-sex penguin couples, ...
If you’ve ever pondered the existence of same-sex penguin couples, then this is the podcast for you. In this episode, Julie and Robert explore homosexuality among animals. Why does it exist? How much of our own human baggage do we drag into this question?
In the Lair of the Rat King
In medieval Germany it was a dire omen of plague-ridden ...
In medieval Germany it was a dire omen of plague-ridden doom. Today, it remains more of a grotesque cultural reference. Join Robert and Julie as they enter the lair of the rat king, and prepare to be shocked by the reality of microbial rat kings.
Virgin Galactic: $200,000 Ticket to Ride
Want to blast into space with celebrities? Virgin Galactic might ...
Want to blast into space with celebrities? Virgin Galactic might just be your ticket to ride. Join Julie and Robert as they discuss the landmark space tourism venture and the future of space travel. Plus what might happen if Kanye ventured into space?
The Existential Horror of the Humanzee
A Russian program to breed human/chimpanzee hybrids? Prisoners injected with ...
A Russian program to breed human/chimpanzee hybrids? Prisoners injected with animal testes? These grotesque tales shed light on the line between humans and chimpanzees. In this episode, Robert and Julie discuss humanity's attempts to create a humanzee.
We Are Stardust
The atoms in your heart once burned in the fires ...
The atoms in your heart once burned in the fires of a dead star. Does this constitute an almost-spiritual connection to the cosmos or is it mere chemistry? In this episode, Robert and Julie discuss the billion-year-old carbon inside us.
Hug it Out
Just what sort of hugger are you? Do you squeeze ...
Just what sort of hugger are you? Do you squeeze random strangers? Do you grapple your pals in a bear hug or go for the side-hug? In this episode, Julie and Robert discuss the science of hugging it out. Plus, you’ll learn about Robert’s most awkward hugs.
The Science of Arguing
Why do we argue? How much bickering is ego sparring ...
Why do we argue? How much bickering is ego sparring and to what extent our evolutionary heritage involved? Join Julie and Robert as they dive into the science behind arguing, from the argumentative theory of reasoning to the health benefits of squabbling.
The Magic Eight Ball of Your Existence
Imagine a computer model of the entire world, one on ...
Imagine a computer model of the entire world, one on which world leaders can test their decisions and gauge the ripple effect of their actions. Is such a simulation possible? In this episode, Robert and Julie discuss plans for a Living Earth Simulator.
Would You Rather: Bug Diet vs. Bacteria Diet
So which would you choose: an exclusive diet of bugs ...
So which would you choose: an exclusive diet of bugs for the rest of your life, or an endless string of fermented feasts? In this “Would You Rather?” episode, Julie and Robert present the facts and let you decide which diet you’d choose.
Black Blizzards of the Dust Bowl
Just what was the Dust Bowl? In this episode, Robert ...
Just what was the Dust Bowl? In this episode, Robert and Julie travel back to the ruined farms and black blizzards of the Great Depression. How did we plant trees to combat ecological damage, and how do we hope to defeat the Gobi Desert today?