Stuff to blow your mind
Stuff To Blow Your Mind
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Are you smarter than a dolphin?
Dolphins are one of Earth's smartest animals. In fact, scientists ...
Dolphins are one of Earth's smartest animals. In fact, scientists still aren't sure exactly how smart a dolphin is in relation to the average human being. Join Robert and Allison as they break down the science behind dolphin intelligence in this podcast.
Why do whales beach themselves?
When whales or other aquatic mammals wash onto the shore, ...
When whales or other aquatic mammals wash onto the shore, they are usually unable to return to the sea without help. What exactly causes a whale to beach, and how can scientists prevent it? Tune in and learn more in this episode.
Running with Parasites
Are you a fan of running outside without shoes? Many ...
Are you a fan of running outside without shoes? Many people enjoy walking barefoot, especially in warmer weather. Yet there's a dark side to the joy of a shoe-free life: parasites. Listen in and learn more about parasites in this episode.
How Hurricane Killing Works
When hurricanes hit land, they can cause enormous damage over ...
When hurricanes hit land, they can cause enormous damage over a short span of time -- but how can scientists stop these roving natural disasters? The answers may surprise you. Listen in and learn more in this episode.
Topsy Rides the Lighting
What do Edison, Tesla and an unfortunate elephant named Topsy ...
What do Edison, Tesla and an unfortunate elephant named Topsy have in common? They were all involved in "The War of Currents," an ongoing battle over the standardization of electricity. Tune in and learn more about Topsy's fate in this episode.
Fight Fire with Fire
We've all heard the saying "fight fire with fire," but ...
We've all heard the saying "fight fire with fire," but could it actually work? Tune in as Robert and Allison break down the ways in which firefighters actually do use fire and explosives to fight fires in this episode.
Those Crazy Komodos
Located in Indonesia, Komodo dragons are one of nature's fiercest ...
Located in Indonesia, Komodo dragons are one of nature's fiercest living reptiles. They're also the world's largest lizard. Tune in as Robert and Allison investigate the unique lifestyle -- and brutal dining habits -- of the Komodo dragon.
How well do you know the T. Rex?
The Tyrannosaurus rex is one of history's most well-known, feared ...
The Tyrannosaurus rex is one of history's most well-known, feared and misunderstood dinosaurs. Children often learn that this dinosaur was a ferocious predator ... but this might not be the whole story. Listen in and learn more in this podcast.
What exactly is a gene bank?
A gene bank is a repository used to preserve genetic ...
A gene bank is a repository used to preserve genetic material for the future. Gene banks are not a modern concept -- the idea dates back thousands of years. Tune in as Allison and Robert explore gene banks, from Noah's Ark to the Doomsday Vault.
What can blood spatter tell us?
To forensic scientists, a bloodstain is more than just a ...
To forensic scientists, a bloodstain is more than just a grisly ornament at a crime scene -- so what exactly do they do with it? Turn in and learn more about bloodstain pattern analysis in this episode.