RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
The Loneliness of the Goalkeeper
An award winning documentary about the pressurised life of a ...
An award winning documentary about the pressurised life of a goalkeeper, the one member of the football team who spends ninety minutes looking at the backs of his teammates, where one mistake can send him from hero to zero in a matter of seconds.
The Curious Ear (2010): Through African Ears
The Forum on Migration and Communications ran a training course ...
The Forum on Migration and Communications ran a training course with Róisín Boyd for 6 women who wanted to make radio programmes. These are all women from Africa who have arrived in Ireland through immigration. This programme features extracts from the short documentaries made by five of the women. (First Broadcast 2010)
The Curious Ear (2010): Shatila
Derek O'Halloran has never been to a refugee camp before. ...
Derek O'Halloran has never been to a refugee camp before. He visits Shatila 'camp', which has been home to displaced Palestinian refugees in Lebanon for 60 years.There he feels many emotions; he is troubled and surprised by what he finds. (First Broadcast 2010)
Dustcatchers (The Curious Ear)
Those little gee-gaws that people keep in their houses. They'd ...
Those little gee-gaws that people keep in their houses. They'd never appear in an interior design magazine, but they mean something special to the owners. Producer: Susan O'Loghlin. (A short Irish radio documentary from RTE Radio Ireland)
The Curious Ear (2010): The Toastie Train
John, Maurice and Vinod travel to work by train every ...
John, Maurice and Vinod travel to work by train every day - from Limerick to Dublin. A four-hour round trip. They talk of their loves, likes, dislikes...and toast. (First Broadcast 2010)
The Dead News Network
A radio documentary about Anne, a 37 year old mother ...
A radio documentary about Anne, a 37 year old mother from Kildare who talks to spirits every day. Anne is a medium and conveys messages from the dead to the living.
The Curious Ear (2010): Don't Bring Sweets
Ballyfermot Travellers' Action Project from Dublin has raised thousands of ...
Ballyfermot Travellers' Action Project from Dublin has raised thousands of money in charity aid donations. In April 2010, they visited some recipients of that aid: a group of former lepers in the village of Tulema, near Jimma in Ethiopia., Africa. They shared stories and experiences of lives in both Ireland and Ethiopia. (First Broadcast 2010)
The Long Evenings
A charming look at rural life, past and present by ...
A charming look at rural life, past and present by Breandan O' Ciobhain. A charming look at rural life, past and present by Breandan O' Ciobhain.
Secrets and Lies
Elizabeth O'Halloran's (36) life changed from a chat in a ...
Elizabeth O'Halloran's (36) life changed from a chat in a pub in Huddersfield at a relatives funeral. Nobody is certain where Elizabeth came from and nobody knows what happened to her Irish mother. All that is certain are the secrets and lies.
The Search for Edna Lavilla
An award winning documentary from Australia, in which a woman ...
An award winning documentary from Australia, in which a woman traces the history of her grandmother who died as a result of a backstreet abortion.