RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
Suburban hideaway
An award winning documentary that gives an insight into how ...
An award winning documentary that gives an insight into how a family copes after they discover their son sexually assaulted and raped two young school girls. He is now currently serving a ten year sentence in Arbour Hill Prison, Dublin.
Achill Island Mobile Bank (The Curious Ear)
Jim Foody, driver and Anne McKnight, teller, take the Ulster ...
Jim Foody, driver and Anne McKnight, teller, take the Ulster Bank Mobile Bank around Achill Island twice a week. (2007) (A short Irish radio documentary from RTE Radio, Ireland)
There Was Love
A radio documentary about two friends going through divorce in ...
A radio documentary about two friends going through divorce in Ireland. Ann and Trish record their experience of divorce over a year.
The Curious Ear (2010): A Taught Sound
The sound of tension for children during exam time at ...
The sound of tension for children during exam time at Ardscoil na Trionóide, Athy, Co. Kildare. (First Broadcast 2010)
Mad About Ned
A radio documentary about 80 year old Traveller man Ned ...
A radio documentary about 80 year old Traveller man Ned McDonagh whose passion for singing lifts spirits wherever he goes. Ned has not had an easy life but he can still rise above hardship and grief to sing his heart out.
The Curious Ear (2010): Harpie
Janet Harbison has had along-standing passion for harp music. She ...
Janet Harbison has had along-standing passion for harp music. She has always believed harp music can bring people together in Ireland but, believe it or not, it was a dangerous belief to hold. Janet now teaches harp in The Irish Harp Centre, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick. (First Broadcast 2010)
A Fair Exchange?
A radio documentary telling the story of a group of ...
A radio documentary telling the story of a group of Irish businesspeople who are trying to bring clean water to the village of Illili Darartu - where the low price of coffee has led to many farmers switching instead to growing a narcotic plant called khat.
The Curious Ear (2010): Obsession
What’s the line between devotion and obsession Erica Mills tells ...
What’s the line between devotion and obsession Erica Mills tells the stories of four devotees who love, tattoos, Liverpool, "Supernatural" and gaming. Made as part of the MA in International Journalism course at the Dublin Institute of Technology. (First Broadcast 2010)
The Curious Ear (2010): Flower War
Gerald Flower, from Dublin, lost his job when the factory ...
Gerald Flower, from Dublin, lost his job when the factory in the U.K supplying the company he worked for was bombed in the world war. He decided to join the RAF for adventure and bailed out of an RAF bomber over liberated Holland in 1944 - the wind blew him back over German lines and into the hands of the Gestapo. (First Broadcast 2010)
Deadly Sleeper
This award winning documentary tells the story of 54-year-old Ray. ...
This award winning documentary tells the story of 54-year-old Ray. Ray's family have suspected for a long time that something is wrong. Could it be that he suffers from Sleep Apnoea, a disorder where the sufferer frequently stops breathing during sleep?