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Learning From Bonobos
Vanessa Woods is a science journalist and primate researcher who ...
Vanessa Woods is a science journalist and primate researcher who studies Bonobos, a close relative to chimpanzees. She says that when it comes to emotional intelligence, they put the human world to shame.
Galileo and the Telescope
Learn why Galileo's early uses for the telescope weren't so ...
Learn why Galileo's early uses for the telescope weren't so scientific.
The Big Deal with CERN: Stephon Alexander
Cosmologist Stephon Alexander says he'd be surprised if we didn't ...
Cosmologist Stephon Alexander says he'd be surprised if we didn't find the Higgs particle.
Space and Time Explained: Leonard Susskind
Physicist Leonard Susskind says that Einstein radically changed the way ...
Physicist Leonard Susskind says that Einstein radically changed the way we think about space, but his equations can't explain exactly what it is.
Space and Time Explained: Alan Guth
Physicist Alan Guth says that the concept of "space" is ...
Physicist Alan Guth says that the concept of "space" is more complicated than you might think.
Space and Time Explained: Max Tegmark
Physicist Max Tegmark says that researchers still don't fully understand ...
Physicist Max Tegmark says that researchers still don't fully understand what time is. It's one of the biggest mysteries in physics.
Space and Time Explained: Steven Weinberg
The concept of "Space," is a tough one to explain--even ...
The concept of "Space," is a tough one to explain--even for a Nobel prize-winnig physicist like Steven Weinberg.
Space and Time Explained: Jana Levin
Physicist Janna Levin says that Einstein and Newton had very ...
Physicist Janna Levin says that Einstein and Newton had very different ideas about what space and time really were.
Space and Time Explained: Peter Galison
Physicist Peter Galison says that although humans sense time as ...
Physicist Peter Galison says that although humans sense time as moving constantly forward, it doesn't really work that way.
Space and Time Explained: Jim Gates
Physicist Jim Gates says that even after you take all ...
Physicist Jim Gates says that even after you take all the matter out of the universe, space still wouldn't be empty.