One of the wonderful podcasts from National Public Radio.
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(Refeed) Surveillance City
Producer Miles O'Brien is interviewed about state-of-the-art surveillance systems and ...
Producer Miles O'Brien is interviewed about state-of-the-art surveillance systems and what they portend for privacy.
(Refeed) Deadly Crocodiles Down Under
Australians try to live safely with giant saltwater reptiles that ...
Australians try to live safely with giant saltwater reptiles that will eat just about anything—including people.
Gamers and Genomics
An online game called Phylo taps the brainpower of thousands ...
An online game called Phylo taps the brainpower of thousands of players to solve complex problems in genetics.
Engineering Extra Senses
Cyberneticist Kevin Warwick is developing new ways for us to ...
Cyberneticist Kevin Warwick is developing new ways for us to experience the world with more than just our five senses.
(Refeed) The Clever Dog Lab
An animal research laboratory in Vienna enlists local pets to ...
An animal research laboratory in Vienna enlists local pets to study the roots of canine personality.
(Refeed) Sandy's Warning
Do we have what it takes to stop catastrophic warming?
Cornering the Higgs
A professor from one of the CERN teams explains what ...
A professor from one of the CERN teams explains what this experimental result means for the future of physics.
(Refeed) Elements in the Ocean
Marine geochemist Catherine Jeandel has bottled the world's oceans to ...
Marine geochemist Catherine Jeandel has bottled the world's oceans to decipher their past—and future.
Climate Change and Sandy
A climate scientist suggests that rapid warming in the Arctic ...
A climate scientist suggests that rapid warming in the Arctic helped create October's "superstorm."
Zeroing in on Surveillance Video
New software makes it possible for law enforcement to search ...
New software makes it possible for law enforcement to search through hours of surveillance footage in mere minutes.