One of the wonderful podcasts from National Public Radio.
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Sacred Architecture
When designing Gothic cathedrals, some medieval builders drew on sacred ...
When designing Gothic cathedrals, some medieval builders drew on sacred measurements laid out in the pages of the Bible.
NOVA Minute: Music for the Masses
Game developer Eran Egozy uses ones and zeros to bring ...
Game developer Eran Egozy uses ones and zeros to bring music-making to everyone.
NOVA Minute: Inventing the Ascender
Engineer Nate Ball explains why a spectacular failure helped him ...
Engineer Nate Ball explains why a spectacular failure helped him learn how to build a life-saving device.
A Trip to the Parthenon
What made the Parthenon the greatest temple of Ancient Greece?
A Mission to Mars?
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin says that a human presence on ...
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin says that a human presence on Mars is inevitable. Find out why in this interview.
NOVA Minute: The Bottom of Things
Biologist Mark Siddall tells us how he hunted down a ...
Biologist Mark Siddall tells us how he hunted down a prize leech... inside a hippo rectum.
NOVA Minute: Becoming the Professor
Nanoscientist Rich Robinson explains what inspired him to become a ...
Nanoscientist Rich Robinson explains what inspired him to become a professor.
NOVA Minute: Cliff Tabin
Geneticist Cliff Tabin explains how limbs form in an embryo.
Surprises in Your Genes
What makes an embryo—basically a tiny ball of cells—grow into ...
What makes an embryo—basically a tiny ball of cells—grow into a whale, or a fly, or a human?
Big Thinkers: If Darwin Were Here
What would Darwin think if he were here today?