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Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park

Why does the media highlight the trivial, and ignore the monumental? Is this deliberate? Alan Park questions the "official" story, attempting to uncover how and why we are being lied to.

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    Episode 62 - Jamie DeWolf on Scientology

    It seems most everybody you meet has 'a crazy uncle'. ...

    It seems most everybody you meet has 'a crazy uncle'. Jamie DeWolf has a crazy great-grandfather and his grandfather wasn't all there either. If you were the grandson of Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard, you would either follow him and help out and get

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    Episode 61 - Allan Weisbecker: Water Time

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    A great thrill it is to listen to Allan Weisbecker tell us about the time long ago when he chose the Hawaiian surf over the Viet Nam farce. Then he surfed some more. Then, trafficked in drugs - and then, surfed on acid. And always with the companionship o

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    The world is worse off without Michael C. Ruppert. Mike exposed the CIA involvement of massive cocaine importation to the States. Crisis level street coke violence had police arrest primarily black youth for possession. Onlookers cheered a

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    Episode 58: Kevin Annett - The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

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    Did you hear the one about the pope being found guilty of horrendous crimes in a public court? If not, it's time to adjust your news intake system. Lindsay Lohan is not important. But, when it comes to the level of complicity that governing bodies have ov

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    Episode 55 - Susanne Posel of OccupyCorporatism.com Part 2

    Here is part two of my interview with Susanne Posel ...

    Here is part two of my interview with Susanne Posel of www.OccupyCorporatism.com Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to Alan at conspiracyqueries@gmail.com You can also follow the show on twitter @Con_Queries and on Facebook

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    Episode 54: Susanne Posel of OccupyCorporatism.com

    Susanne Posel returns to Conspiracy Queries in her role as ...

    Susanne Posel returns to Conspiracy Queries in her role as an endangered species - the now rare, investigative journalist. Yes, not every news purveyor out there is spewing corporate issued pablum, and that is certainly not the case for Susanne. As well a

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    Episode 53 - Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrick

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