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New Yorker: Outloud

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    Calvin Tomkins on Roger Federer

    Calvin Tomkins on Roger Federer.

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Hampton Sides, Daniel Alarcon, and Burkhard Bilger on the World Cup

    Hampton Sides, Daniel Alarcon, and Burkhard Bilger on the World ...

    Hampton Sides, Daniel Alarcon, and Burkhard Bilger on the World Cup.

    Jun 11, 2010 Read more
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    Deborah Treisman and Cressida Leyshon on the 20 Under 40 list

    Fiction editors Deborah Treisman and Cressida Leyshon on The New ...

    Fiction editors Deborah Treisman and Cressida Leyshon on The New Yorker's 20 Under 40 list.

    Jun 8, 2010 Read more
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    Joan Acocella on the allure of the circus

    Joan Acocella on the allure of the circus.

    Jun 2, 2010
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    William Finnegan on the Mexican crime cartel La Familia

    William Finnegan on the Mexican crime cartel La Familia.

    May 25, 2010
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    Alec Wilkinson on Los Tigres del Norte

    Alec Wilkinson on Los Tigres del Norte.

    May 18, 2010
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    Alex Ross on the history and future of movie music

    Alex Ross on the history and future of movie music.

    May 11, 2010
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    John Seabrook on adopting a Haitian child after the earthquake

    John Seabrook on adopting a Haitian child after the earthquake.

    May 5, 2010
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    Peter Hessler and Evan Osnos on living abroad and returning to America

    Peter Hessler and Evan Osnos on living abroad and returning ...

    Peter Hessler and Evan Osnos on living abroad and returning to America.

    Apr 26, 2010 Read more
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    Janis Bellow on the letters of Saul Bellow

    Janis Bellow on the letters of her late husband, Saul ...

    Janis Bellow on the letters of her late husband, Saul Bellow.

    Apr 20, 2010 Read more