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Stuff Mom Never Told You
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The Uphill Climb of Women's Pro Cycling
Ever wonder why there isn't a women's Tour de France? ...
Ever wonder why there isn't a women's Tour de France? Women competitive and pro cycling has long lagged behind men's pro cycling, but not for lack of athleticism. Caroling and Cristen discuss female cyclists' uphill fight for recognition.
What is the Bechdel Test for movies?
In 1985, graphic novelist Alison Bechdel described "The Test" for ...
In 1985, graphic novelist Alison Bechdel described "The Test" for movies that require a) two named women on screen, b) talking to each other, c) about something other than a man. Cristen and Caroline talk about the Bechdel Test today and how it can evaluate representations of gender and race in movies and television.
Breasts 101 with Florence Williams
Florence Williams, the author of "Breasts: A Natural and Unnatural ...
Florence Williams, the author of "Breasts: A Natural and Unnatural History," stops by the show to talk about the evolution of breasts, the history of breast implants and how environmental toxins are invading breast tissues.
Why is it harder to get pregnant after 35?
Women are waiting longer to have children, but when does ...
Women are waiting longer to have children, but when does fertility take a nosedive? Caroline and Cristen explore the science of female fertility and why 35 isn't necessarily the beginning of the end for natural conception.
Goldieblox: An Engineering Toy for Girls
While Debbie Sterling was an engineering student at Stanford University, ...
While Debbie Sterling was an engineering student at Stanford University, the small number of female engineers got her thinking about how to engage young girls in STEM fields. Cristen chatted with the engineer-turned-entrepreneur, about her invention of Goldieblox, a toy designed to teach girls engineering principles within a narrative framework, and why toys for girls should diversify beyond pink princesses.
The Office Romance
As soon as women entered the American workplace in the ...
As soon as women entered the American workplace in the 1860s, sex and romance have been a common undercurrent of office life. Cristen and Caroline explore the risks and rewards of 21st-century office romances, along with cupid contracts, trading sex for promotions and sexual harassment.
A Unbridled History of Bachelorette Parties
Why did it take until 1998 for Cosmopolitan to use ...
Why did it take until 1998 for Cosmopolitan to use the term "bachelorette party?" Because the raucous pre-wedding shindigs haven't been around very long, since bachelor parties were for grooms and showers were for brides. Cristen and Caroline explore the social and sexual symbolism of the rise of the bachelorette party.
Why do women wear diamond engagement rings?
Betrothed men and women have exchanged rings for centuries, but ...
Betrothed men and women have exchanged rings for centuries, but women receiving diamonds is a 20th-century invention. Cristen and Caroline take an unromantic look and how DeBeers taught us that diamonds are forever and should cost two months salary.
What's next for gay marriage?
On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled The Defense ...
On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled The Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage between a man and a woman, unconstitutional. Caroline and Cristen look at a history of gay marriage in the United States and the next steps toward legalizing same-sex marriage.
The Breast Cancer Gene
Since Angelina Jolie announced her preventative mastectomy, more women have ...
Since Angelina Jolie announced her preventative mastectomy, more women have requested breast cancer gene testing. Caroline and Cristen explore the science, statistics and recently Supreme Court ruling regarding the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.