RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
DocArchive: Mermaids Out of Water - Nuala Ni Domhnaill agus an Mhuruch
The best known living poet of the Irish language, Nuala ...
The best known living poet of the Irish language, Nuala Ni Domhnaill draws upon images from Irish folklore. An important recent image has been the mermaid - symbols of cultural and personal trauma, communities in transition and denial (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: A Complex Cocktail of Love Hormones
The title of this doc is taken from the French ...
The title of this doc is taken from the French Obstetrician Michel Odent who speaks of a time when women had to release a "complex cocktail of love hormones" in order to give birth. This story is about women who choose to have homebirths (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: Becoming Hugo Hamilton
This bilingual documentary tells the story of how Dublin-born Hugo ...
This bilingual documentary tells the story of how Dublin-born Hugo Hamilton made sense of his own story and went on to become a novelist and short story writer and most recently the author of his just published memoir - The Speckled People (Broadcast 2002)
DocArchive: A Knuckle in Your Back - A Note in Your Ear
Many of Ireland's best know female voices once stood in ...
Many of Ireland's best know female voices once stood in the lines of the Young Dublin Singers Choir. This documentary hears some of their stories which we born in one of the finest young choirs this country has to offer (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: Confession
A documentary about confession as a cultural phenomenon in modern ...
A documentary about confession as a cultural phenomenon in modern Ireland. Catholics believe that confession is an outward sign of absolution - the inward grace is the reconciliation of the penitent to God (Broadcast 1996)
DocArchive: All Those Wasted Years - Saol Amú
A bilingual documentary about drug addiction that ravages Dublin and ...
A bilingual documentary about drug addiction that ravages Dublin and its surrounds. (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: A Walk in the Pyrenees
In September 1940, German Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin walked over ...
In September 1940, German Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin walked over the Pyrenees to escape from occupied France into Spain, from where he planned to journey to Portugal and then the United States. Frances Donoghue retraces his steps (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: The Newfoundland Connection
Cathal Póirtéir discovers some of the connections which, since the ...
Cathal Póirtéir discovers some of the connections which, since the 1700s have linked the South-east of Ireland with Newfoundland's Talamh an Éisc. Farmers, fishermen, storytellers and musicians help tell the story (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: Promised Land of the Saints - Real or Imaginary
In this award winning documentary, Newfoundland producer Chris Brookes sets ...
In this award winning documentary, Newfoundland producer Chris Brookes sets out in a boat of his own for what he calls "a 21st century radio archeology project, excavating the chronicle of Saint Brendan and his epic journey in 484AD." (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: Ice
Life in Newfoundland is full of ice. It's everywhere - ...
Life in Newfoundland is full of ice. It's everywhere - underfoot, hanging down, pointing up. In this radio documentary Lorelei Harris brings us an audio-visual feature about living with and the place of ice in Newfoundland life. (Broadcast 2003)