RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
DocArchive: Country Vet
The day to day life of a vet on call, ...
The day to day life of a vet on call, 24/7, in all weather and all terrain, in a rural area of the West of Ireland (Broadcast 1978).
DocArchive: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
A documentary by Lorelei Harris about the founding of a ...
A documentary by Lorelei Harris about the founding of a Carmelite convent in Nairobi, Kenya. We hear from the nuns themselves, and members of their community. (Broadcast 1999)
DocArchive: Vietnam - A Country Not a War
This documentary tells the story of producer Chris Erickson's personal ...
This documentary tells the story of producer Chris Erickson's personal perspective on the Vietnam of today (Broadcast 2001)
DocArchive: Not Just Spare Parts
A documentary about the scandal concerning the disposal of deceased ...
A documentary about the scandal concerning the disposal of deceased children's organs in Irish hospitals. (Broadcast 2000)
DocArchive: Under The Wing Of
Kaye Mortley, an Australian long-time resident of France, looks at ...
Kaye Mortley, an Australian long-time resident of France, looks at love and lonliness in the city of Quasimodo. (Broadcast 1999)
DocArchive: Biography of President de Valera
A biography on Éamon de Valera, President of Ireland from ...
A biography on Éamon de Valera, President of Ireland from 1959 to 1973, and an insight into one of the most influential Irish political figures of the 20th Century. (First broadcast 1967) A biography on Éamon de Valera, President of Ireland from 1959 to 1973, and an insight into one of the most influential Irish political figures of the 20th Century.
DocArchive: From Galway to Graceland
Graceland is the birth place of Elvis Presley - a ...
Graceland is the birth place of Elvis Presley - a large white-columned mansion set amongst an estate at 3734 Elvis Presley Boulevard about twelve miles from Downtown Mississippi. This is the story of that house and the people who visit it (Broadcast 2001)
DocArchive: Deadly Hopscotch
A documentary recorded in Ireland about the streets of Ireland ...
A documentary recorded in Ireland about the streets of Ireland - of how random street violence blights and destroys young lives. (Broadcast 2000)
DocArchive: I Love You Love Lonely Hearts Club
Adrian Smyth finds out what lonely hearts clubs are all ...
Adrian Smyth finds out what lonely hearts clubs are all about. He visits a Dublin friendship club and down in Kilkenny, he learns from some members what the club does and why they became involved with it. So, what's love all about? (Broadcast 1997)
DocArchive: The Internationalists
In the 1980s a significant number of Irish people, students, ...
In the 1980s a significant number of Irish people, students, workers and unemployed, went to Nicaragua to assist the Sandista revolutionary effort (Broadcast 1999)