RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
The Curious Ear (2010): Grand Dock Stories
The Grand Canal Docks in Dublin used to be one ...
The Grand Canal Docks in Dublin used to be one of the biggest shipping transit centres in the world. Having declined in use, the docks area was revived in recent years with new offices, apartment blocks and a theatre. The docks still have some boats moored there and three of those are the homes of Nigel, 'Brew' and Séamas (First Broadcast 2010)
Behind the mic
Hip Hop has traditionally been the music of the working ...
Hip Hop has traditionally been the music of the working classes, a vehicle for self expression for those that need it the most. This is a confronting doc with hardcore language about a young hip hop Irish act from Ballymun, Dublin, Urban Intelligence.
The Curious Ear (2010): The Smell of Life
Dublin bus driver Paddy Plunkett wanders down the factory and ...
Dublin bus driver Paddy Plunkett wanders down the factory and olfactory lane of his childhood: Liberty Lane, Dublin.He recalls the work of the community on one of the city’s smallest lanes. The closest thing you’ll get to a scratch n’ sniff experience on the radio. (First Broadcast 2010)
The Curious Ear (2010): Neltah Tells A Love Story
The story of Taurai from Zimbabwe. Taurai was born albino ...
The story of Taurai from Zimbabwe. Taurai was born albino and was taunted in the street because of it. Melody began a romance and fell in love with him and shared a life of laughs, cooking and gardening. Immigration to Ireland and the birth of a daughter Siobhán followed. Then, in 2008, Melody and Siobhán lost Taurai. (First Broadcast 2010)
Bright Lights Small Village
A candid and often humorous radio documentary which goes behind ...
A candid and often humorous radio documentary which goes behind the scenes of a Limerick amateur drama production to capture the compelling journey from the first readings through to the emotional final performance.
The Curious Ear: "Silence" by Joan Schuman
A sound art and documentary piece about a couple who ...
A sound art and documentary piece about a couple who choose to live in silence. (www.joanschuman.com)
This is the colourful and initimate story of Mary Murphy, ...
This is the colourful and initimate story of Mary Murphy, an extraordinarily talented woman with an intellectual disability, who never lets this stand in the way of what she wants to achieve in life.
The Script of Hurt
The early 1950's are remembered in Mayo for their All-Ireland ...
The early 1950's are remembered in Mayo for their All-Ireland Gaelic football wins. However these dates also mark the beginning of 58 years of wandering around in the football wilderness as the county has failed to win a single Sam Maguire Cup since then.
21 Years and 8 Days
August 2006, Gary Douche (21) was beaten to death in ...
August 2006, Gary Douche (21) was beaten to death in the holding cell of Mountjoy Prison, Dublin. He was violently attacked by another inmate in a hot, overcrowded cell. The details of his death were front page news. This documentary begins with his death
Rebel City Reverts
Three Cork born Muslims relate their experiences of finding Islam, ...
Three Cork born Muslims relate their experiences of finding Islam, practising their religion in their home town, and worshipping at their Mosque, on an industrial estate on the outskirts of the city.