RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One
The main weekly documentary slot on RTÉ Radio 1 and the largest arena for radio documentaries in Ireland.
Visit Show Website http://www.rte.ie/radio1/doconone/Recently Aired
DocArchive: Death by drowning
Every year countless lives are lost around the coast of ...
Every year countless lives are lost around the coast of Ireland. This is a story about fishing families who have lost their loved ones to the treacherous waters off the Irish Coast.(Broadcast 2002)
DocArchive: Beacon on the Sands (1990)
Bill Long travels to the Kish Lighthouse off the coast ...
Bill Long travels to the Kish Lighthouse off the coast of Dublin, on the occasion of it's 25th anniversary (Broadcast 1990).
DocArchive: The Story of Knock
It was the brainchild of Monsignor James Horan - Knock ...
It was the brainchild of Monsignor James Horan - Knock Airport. This is the story of how an idea became reality, despite the objections from those who thought the idea was a crazy one, and what the airport has brought to the West (Broadcast 1985)
DocArchive: Children on the Veranda
The story of Rosemary Conry, who as a little girl ...
The story of Rosemary Conry, who as a little girl spent 3 years lying bound and strapped to a bed, a victim of the TB epidemic that was then rife in Ireland. (First Broadcast 2009) The story of Rosemary Conry, who as a little girl spent 3 years lying bound and strapped to a bed, a victim of the TB epidemic that was then rife in Ireland. (First Broadcast 2009)
DocArchive: Battle of the Somme
Lasting from July 1st to Novemeber 18th 1916, The Battle ...
Lasting from July 1st to Novemeber 18th 1916, The Battle of the Somme was to become one of the defining moments of the First World War. The first day of battle alone saw the British Forces sustain some 60,000 casualties, including Irishmen (Broadcast 1989)
DocArchive: Primrose and blue
Primrose and Blue tells the story of John Scally as ...
Primrose and Blue tells the story of John Scally as he vivdly recalls memories of his childhood in 1960's Roscommon in Ireland. This is a window into the Ireland gone by - into a different time in an almost different country (Broadcast 1995)
DocArchive: In search of Paddy Finucane
The story of Brendan "Paddy" Finucane - the Dublin born ...
The story of Brendan "Paddy" Finucane - the Dublin born RAF wing commander pilot. By 21, Finucane was the youngest Wing Commander at war, a highly decorated WW2 RAF pilot, the scourge of the German Air Force and a hero in the Britain (Broadcast 2004)
DocArchive: Constant present
More than one-in-eight people in Ireland suffer from a condition ...
More than one-in-eight people in Ireland suffer from a condition that causes frustration, withdrawal, anger and suffering and yet it is hidden, invisible. In Constant Present, Michael Carolan talks to people with chronic pain. (Broadcast 2003)
DocArchive: A century of learning in Kerry
A story that documents over 100 years of eduction whilst ...
A story that documents over 100 years of eduction whilst traceing the evolution of the VEC in Kerry from its origins in Technical Instruction (Broadcast 2004)
DocArchive: Heartland
A documentary set in Ireland and South Africa about Afrikaners ...
A documentary set in Ireland and South Africa about Afrikaners that tells the story about the Verwoerd family, descendents of H.F Verwoerd, the Prime Minister of South Africa widely regarded as being the architect of apartheid. (Broadcast 2004)