Awake: Now What?
Everyone is talking about "being awake" or the "transition". What does this really mean? How can we apply it to our day to day lives? Is "The Secret" working for you? This is the next step. For ongoing information join
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JD Messinger, Visionary, Author, Philosopher
JD has written a marvelous book called 11 Days in ...
JD has written a marvelous book called 11 Days in May. It's an excellant read and has a lot to assist everyone. JD embraces Core Values such as Trust, Integr
Betsy Otter Thompson, Author, Actress
Betsy returns with her new book, a revision of her ...
Betsy returns with her new book, a revision of her 1996 The WHAT HAPPENS IF I...Book: How To Make Action/Reaction Work For You Instead Of Against You. She has
Jill Renee Feeler, Spiritual Teacher, Channel, Healer, Auth
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channel, healer, writer and inspirational ...
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channel, healer, writer and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakenin
Chat with Virginia O'Hara, Victoria and friends
Through Virginia, Victoria and friends will bring us new information ...
Through Virginia, Victoria and friends will bring us new information on the "fifth element" and other things. Virginia O'Hara is a delightful and insightful in
Shelly Dressel, Channel, Teacher, Reiki Master
Shelly and her "friends" return to bring us information and ...
Shelly and her "friends" return to bring us information and wisdom about our evolution. I first began my conscious opening to spirituality in the early ‘90's
Don Milton, Growth by Design, EFT, Freedom Coaching, Matrix
Don Milton’s Growth By Design™ delivers Life and Freedom Coaching, ...
Don Milton’s Growth By Design™ delivers Life and Freedom Coaching, Matrix Reimprinting, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and a host of other extraordinary proc
David Bedrick Juris Doctor, Diplomate of Process Work
David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW, is an educator, counselor, attorney, ...
David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW, is an educator, counselor, attorney, organizational consultant, and writer. His broad range of knowledge is apparent in the scope
Julia Griffin, Author, Counselor, Alchemist, Astrologer
Welcome back Julia Griffin and her messages from the animals ...
Welcome back Julia Griffin and her messages from the animals and the stars. Julia Griffin is known nationally for her ability to enlighten others to find their
Kerrie O'Connor, Visionary, Medium, Clairvoyant, Coach
Kerrie and I will chat about moving into the new ...
Kerrie and I will chat about moving into the new energies, the "undiscovered country" Kerrie's mission is to remind and re-awaken you to your Divine Heritage.
Jill Renee Feeler, Spiritual Teacher, Channel, Healer, Auth
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channel, healer, writer and inspirational ...
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channel, healer, writer and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakening