Postcards from Greece
Living the Christian Faith in the Church of Greece
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Phyletism - Part Two
Fr. Peter explains how phyletism undermines the catholicity of the ...
Fr. Peter explains how phyletism undermines the catholicity of the Church.
Fr. Peter explains the heresy of Phyletism, which means placing ...
Fr. Peter explains the heresy of Phyletism, which means placing one's ethnic identity above the Orthodox faith.
Fr. Seraphim Rose in Greece
Over the last ten years, a great interest has arisen ...
Over the last ten years, a great interest has arisen in Greece in the writing and life of America's own Fr. Seraphim Rose.
Not of This World
Fr. Peter explains that the only reason to become Orthodox ...
Fr. Peter explains that the only reason to become Orthodox is because the Church can offer something that the world cannot.
Good Resurrection
The phrase "Good Resurrection" implies that one might likewise have ...
The phrase "Good Resurrection" implies that one might likewise have a "Bad Resurrection."
The Stillness of Mt. Athos
If one is silent with knowledge, this guarding of the ...
If one is silent with knowledge, this guarding of the mouth opens the conscience toward God. Fr. Peter explains how silence protects us from sin, judgment, and idle talk.
Keeping the Spiritual Program: Lessons from Athos
What can you learn from the prayer lives of the ...
What can you learn from the prayer lives of the monks on Mt. Athos? First off, you need to formulate a program.
From Mount Athos to Your Home Parish
Fr. Peter explains why the divine services at your home ...
Fr. Peter explains why the divine services at your home parish should not be all that different from the services conducted on Mount Athos.
The Holy Work Of Pilgrimage
Today, Fr. Peter and his family are at the Holy ...
Today, Fr. Peter and his family are at the Holy Monastery of the Archangel in Thassos where he reflects on the value and spiritual nurturing that comes from a pilgrimage to a monastery.
Security and the Mind of Christ
Fr. Peter laments the secularism of modern Greece but ends ...
Fr. Peter laments the secularism of modern Greece but ends with an Axios! for the new Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in America!