Sherry Talk Radio
Bible Prophecy, Bible Codes, and Current Events...did our ancient Biblical Patriarchs warn us of coming UFO and Alien invasions to earth? Martial Law? The New World Order? And why is America, the most dominant nation mentioned on the earth in the last da
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Maitreya and the Locust Army
The Coming of Maitreya "The Destroyer" and His "Locust" Armies
Shema's On Fire!
We Did It! The New Age "Shema" Star is On ...
We Did It! The New Age "Shema" Star is On Fire, Destroyed. So What's Next?
The Chip is 666 - The Danger of Vaccinations
The CHIP IS 666 ...That's Why They Are Enforcing Vaccinations, ...
The CHIP IS 666 ...That's Why They Are Enforcing Vaccinations, Shots, RFID Bracelets etc...BEWARE FOLKS the Agenda Of THE BEAST!
What's up Ahead? An Asteroid, Comet, and Zombies...
What's up Ahead? An Asteroid, Comet, and Zombies...
America the Mystery Babylon
Most people are mind controlled into believing the RCC is ...
Most people are mind controlled into believing the RCC is MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, but there's over 100 Scriptures that prove it isn't, that AMERICA is.
Planet X - Nibiru is Coming and So Is The Antichrist
NASA calls it the 'blob' in space...but Planet X is ...
NASA calls it the 'blob' in space...but Planet X is Real and it's arrival is imminent. It's coming...and so is the Antichrist.
The Coming Buffalos, Bears, and Philistines
The Bible Codes uses symbolic terms to describe various alien ...
The Bible Codes uses symbolic terms to describe various alien (fallen angels) races. Are they coming? Are some already here?
The Aden Stargate and Obama's War on the Saints
What's going on in the Gulf of Aden and Obama's ...
What's going on in the Gulf of Aden and Obama's War on the Saints.