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Why do they add iodine to salt?
Table salt contains iodine to help prevent thyroid problems and ...
Table salt contains iodine to help prevent thyroid problems and iodine deficiencies. Find out how table salt keeps your thyroid happy -- and what iodine has to do with a nuclear attack -- in this episode of BrainStuff.
How much sugar do they really put in soda?
Sodas and soft drinks contain a surprising amount of sugar ...
Sodas and soft drinks contain a surprising amount of sugar -- more than you might expect. Tune in as Marshall Brain reveals how much sugar is in soda in this episode of BrainStuff.
How do you add a USB device if you've run out of ports?
Desktop computers and laptops only have so many USB ports, ...
Desktop computers and laptops only have so many USB ports, so what do you do when you want to plug in more USB devices and they're all full? You buy a USB hub. Find out how these hubs work, and which kind you should get, in this episode of BrainStuff.
How do they make fortune cookies?
You've probably had countless fortune cookies after Chinese meals, but ...
You've probably had countless fortune cookies after Chinese meals, but have you ever wondered how they're made? Discover the "food technology" behind those prescient little cookies in this episode of BrainStuff.
How do they measure sea level?
Sea level is an important measurement, but it's also a ...
Sea level is an important measurement, but it's also a complicated one. Find out why in this episode of BrainStuff.
Why does lettuce stored in a bag stay fresh longer?
Many foods you'll find at the grocery store, like lettuce, ...
Many foods you'll find at the grocery store, like lettuce, for example, are stored in special plastic packaging called MAP that helps them stay fresh longer. Find out what MAP is -- and how it keeps food fresh longer -- in this episode of BrainStuff.
How do herbicides like Roundup work?
Herbicides like Roundup are products that inhibit plant and weed ...
Herbicides like Roundup are products that inhibit plant and weed growth in a very specific way. Explore the biochemistry behind glyphosphate-based herbicides in this episode of
What's the most efficient way to mow your yard?
There's more than one way to mow a yard, but ...
There's more than one way to mow a yard, but which is the most efficient? Tune in to this episode of BrainStuff to find out.
Does airing out mattresses outside do any good?
Airing out rugs and mattresses outdoors is a great way ...
Airing out rugs and mattresses outdoors is a great way to disinfect them, thanks to a little thing called ultraviolet light. Find out how UV light can disinfect everything from rugs to water in this episode of BrainStuff.
What is the problem with MTBE in gasoline?
Some gasoline contains MTBE, or methyl tertiary butyl ether. Find ...
Some gasoline contains MTBE, or methyl tertiary butyl ether. Find out why MTBE is added to gasoline in the first place, and why it's no longer a popular additive, in this episode of BrainStuff.