Featured Stories Podcast
Hear featured reports on events and issues affecting the Four Rivers Region. Produced by the WKMS News Team.
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Maiden Alely Cinema presents "The Road"
Sometimes a film is so simple and compelling that words ...
Sometimes a film is so simple and compelling that words other than "stark" and "powerful" just won't do. The Road, playing this week at Maiden Alley in Paducah, is that film. Larry Thomas and Todd Hatton talk
KET debuts documentary about Kentucky's symbolic Thoroughbred
Thoroughbred horses are, perhaps, Kentucky's most visible symbols. But, most ...
Thoroughbred horses are, perhaps, Kentucky's most visible symbols. But, most Kentuckians only have a superficial understanding of thoroughbreds and the racing industry. A documentary that debuts Monday on Kentucky Educational Television tries to
Murray officials discuss FY10 budget
Dozens of people turned out Monday to the Old Post ...
Dozens of people turned out Monday to the Old Post Office on Murray's Court Square to discuss the city budget. The prevailing issue: how to close the gap on a projected General Fund shortfall of $1 to $2 million per year, over the next five
Maiden Alley Cinema presents "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus"
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus is this week's feature at ...
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus is this week's feature at Maiden Alley Cinema. It stars Christopher Plummer, Lily Cole, and the late Heath Ledger in his last film role. Imaginarium was directed by Terry Gilliam, who brings his signature mix of
Domestic Catfish Fights Against Foreign Imports
Fish consumption spikes during the Lenten season, and western Kentucky ...
Fish consumption spikes during the Lenten season, and western Kentucky is no exception. Tonight many residents will be ordering fish for dinner, and some of those meals will be catfish. Recently, some have questioned the quality of imported catfish,
Students React to Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Murray State University's Presidential Lecture Series has brought such international ...
Murray State University's Presidential Lecture Series has brought such international luminaries as F.W. De Klerk, Benazir Bhutto, and most recently, Archbishop Desmond Tutu to campus. The primary audience for these presentations are students, and
A Conversation with Murray State President, Dr. Randy Dunn
This week in their monthly conversation, Murray State President Dr. ...
This week in their monthly conversation, Murray State President Dr. Randy Dunn and Chad Lampe discuss many topics including how the University plans to brace for a potential 2 percent cut in state funding next year, and the potential for MSU to offer
Beshear visits WKMS for in-depth conversation
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear visited WKMS Friday. Chad Lampe and ...
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear visited WKMS Friday. Chad Lampe and Governor Beshear discussed various issues regarding the state budget, potential cuts to higher education, the future of the Purchase Region Industrial Park Mega-Site in Graves County
Potentially harmful drugs found in Ohio River.
Testing the water in and around the Ohio River has ...
Testing the water in and around the Ohio River has turned up traces of pharmaceuticals and other potentially harmful contaminants. Ann Thompson reports for the Ohio River Radio Consortium.
Students Rally in Frankfort
University students, concerned about the possibility of additional budget cuts ...
University students, concerned about the possibility of additional budget cuts to higher education, rallied Tuesday in the rotunda of the Kentucky State Capitol.