Featured Stories Podcast
Hear featured reports on events and issues affecting the Four Rivers Region. Produced by the WKMS News Team.
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Purchase Players opens "Smoke on the Mountain, Homecoming"
Friday, June 4 Mayfield's Purchase Players Company opens the foot-stomping ...
Friday, June 4 Mayfield's Purchase Players Company opens the foot-stomping musical-comedy "Smoke on the Mountain, Homecoming." It's the third play in the "Smoke" series. Jacque Day sat down with director
Environmental Group Celebrates Twenty Years
Heartwood is a conglomerate of environmental organizations focused in the ...
Heartwood is a conglomerate of environmental organizations focused in the eastern and southern United States. The group began twenty years ago with a mission to protect the public forests of the heartland. But the mission has since expanded to include
Federal Changes Give Area Bank Customers a Choice
Campaigns are getting underway at many local banks to get ...
Campaigns are getting underway at many local banks to get customers to "opt in" to allow the institution to continue charging overdraft fees when an account goes into the red using an ATM Debit card. The federally mandated changes
Kaeliegh's Heart
Kaeliegh Bryan might just be Murray's tiniest heart transplant recipient. ...
Kaeliegh Bryan might just be Murray's tiniest heart transplant recipient. Nearly six months ago, she came into the world fighting for her life. Jacque Day brings us this story of one child's triumph against the odds.
Getting flood insurance in western Kentucky
The flooding in Tennessee and Kentucky earlier this month devastated ...
The flooding in Tennessee and Kentucky earlier this month devastated hundreds of homes and businesses across the region. A rush of insurance claims soon followed. Flood insurance doesn't come standard with many home owners or commercial insurance
Boating saftey tips for Memorial Day weekend
Now that waters have receded in most flooded areas and ...
Now that waters have receded in most flooded areas and the lakes are back to their summer pool levels boaters are back to their normal summer habit. This Memorial Day weekend especially, hundreds of boats are cruising up and down Barkley and Kentucky
Development and the future Kentucky's I-69
Previously on The Front Page, we brought you a conversation ...
Previously on The Front Page, we brought you a conversation with Kentucky's I-69 Coordinator Ted Merryman about the history and the impact of I-24. He had served as project engineer on the Commonwealth's southernmost section of I-24.
The Ghost Writer at Maiden Alley Cinema
Ewan McGregor exchanges a light saber for a word processor, ...
Ewan McGregor exchanges a light saber for a word processor, and Pierce Brosnan goes from reporting to "M" to being "P-M" in director Roman Polanski's political thriller The Ghost Writer, playing this week at
LowerTown Festival Keeps It Local
Close to twelve thousand people visited the LowerTown Arts and ...
Close to twelve thousand people visited the LowerTown Arts and Music Festival in Paducah this past weekend. For seven years, representatives from the city have been lead organizers. This year, the local artists in LowerTown took control, promising a
Support and protest at Kentucky GOP rallies
A Republican Party of Kentucky unity rally Saturday drew several ...
A Republican Party of Kentucky unity rally Saturday drew several hundred party faithful to Frankfort, but it also attracted a small group of protestors. Kentucky Public Radio's Tony McVeigh was there.