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I Am Love reviewed by film critic Larry Thomas
Playing this week at Paducah's Maiden Alley Cinema is the ...
Playing this week at Paducah's Maiden Alley Cinema is the Italian film I Am Love. Film critic Larry Thomas brings us this review of a film that's equal parts family drama and passionate love story.
Madisonville attorney challenges Kentucky black lung statute
A Madisonville attorney has taken on a Kentucky statute he ...
A Madisonville attorney has taken on a Kentucky statute he believes to be unconstitutional in its treatment of coal miners with black lung disease. And he's gaining some ground. Thomas Springer III represents several miners suffering from black
Give blood, get health: Studies show blood donation could keep donors healthy
In two weeks, hundreds if not thousands of Kentuckians will ...
In two weeks, hundreds if not thousands of Kentuckians will take to the road for Labor Day weekend getaways. On weekends like this, police and health care officials try to be prepared for serious accidents requiring hospitalization. Currently, Murray
First US Fluorspar Mine in 20 Years Opens in Livingston County
In the first half of the twentieth century, western Kentucky ...
In the first half of the twentieth century, western Kentucky was a prime producer of fluorspar. You may never have heard of fluorspar, but it's all around you, in your paint, your steel . . . even in your toothpaste.
The Q&A - Kentucky politics with Bill Bartleman of Paducah Sun
In "The Q&A" this week, The Paducah Sun's Bill Bartleman ...
In "The Q&A" this week, The Paducah Sun's Bill Bartleman shares his insights into the regional political factors that may influence November's results.
Interview with author Thomas Mullen
In 1918, America is fighting a war on foreign soil ...
In 1918, America is fighting a war on foreign soil while rumors of a deadly epidemic cause panic on the home front. The uninfected town of Commonwealth, Washington, votes to quarantine itself, and two young friends guard the town entrance. Their
'Mark Twain' speaks to us about Nashville production, "Twilight of the Gods"
Twilight of the Gods is an original comedic thriller running ...
Twilight of the Gods is an original comedic thriller running at the Shamblin Theater on Nashville, Lipscomb University campus. The playwrights are Greg Greene and Mayfield's Wes Driver. And playing Twain is an actor of regional reputation, West
NASCAR Sprint Cup Series comes to Kentucky
NASCAR fans are celebrating news coming out of northern Kentucky. ...
NASCAR fans are celebrating news coming out of northern Kentucky. Sprint Cup Series racing is coming to the Commonwealth. Kentucky Public Radio's Tony McVeigh was at Tuesday's news conference at the Kentucky Speedway in Gallatin County.
The generation gap and the workplace
The term "generation gap" was coined to describe the differences ...
The term "generation gap" was coined to describe the differences between baby boomers and their parents. Such generational differences remain between baby boomers, but, the differences are with their children and their grandchildren.
House Call: Teachers visit students before the bell rings
Many elementary, middle and high school students went back to ...
Many elementary, middle and high school students went back to school this week. And in most cases that's where a student and teacher's relationship begins. But with a little extra work, students now get to know their teacher before classes