Brian Dunning's inFact
The show that gives a smarter look at popular myths. This new video series is seeking sponsorship or distribution. Come to for more information. What is really going to happen on December 21, 2012, and how did we get this prediction?
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inFact: Logical Fallacies 1
Think you know how to use and recognize logical fallacies ...
Think you know how to use and recognize logical fallacies in arguments? Here's how. Part 1.
inFact: Organic Food Myths
Everyone says organic food is better for you, and better ...
Everyone says organic food is better for you, and better for the environment. But is that true, or is it just eco-marketing rhetoric?
inFact: Detoxification
Promoters of quack products are always saying you need to ...
Promoters of quack products are always saying you need to detoxify your body. What does that really mean?
inFact: Immune System Boosting
Can simple foods and supplements actually boost your immune system?
inFact: Vaccine Ingredients
Antivaccine activists claim that vaccines contain all sorts of terrifying ...
Antivaccine activists claim that vaccines contain all sorts of terrifying poisons. Is this true?
inFact: Locally Grown Produce
Is buying locally grown produce a good way to be ...
Is buying locally grown produce a good way to be green and help the environment?
inFact: The Bloop
Did Navy hydrophones pick up the sounds from an impossibly ...
Did Navy hydrophones pick up the sounds from an impossibly huge sea creature?
inFact: Network Marketing
Think you're going to make a million dollars in network ...
Think you're going to make a million dollars in network marketing? Give me the next three minutes of your time.
inFact: Plastic Water Bottles
They say leaving your plastic water bottle in the car ...
They say leaving your plastic water bottle in the car will heat it up and leach dangerous toxins into the water. Should you be concerned?
inFact: Ghost Hunting
Can you really detect ghosts using a few basic instruments? ...
Can you really detect ghosts using a few basic instruments? We're going to take a look at these tools and find out.