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New Yorker: Outloud

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    Jill Lepore on parenthood

    Jill Lepore on parenthood.

    Jun 22, 2009
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    Lauren Collins on Nora Roberts

    Lauren Collins on Nora Roberts and the history of the ...

    Lauren Collins on Nora Roberts and the history of the romance novel.

    Jun 15, 2009 Read more
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    Sasha Frere-Jones on summer jams

    Sasha Frere-Jones shares his all-time favorite summer jam, and discusses ...

    Sasha Frere-Jones shares his all-time favorite summer jam, and discusses some of the current songs and artists he's excited about.

    Jun 8, 2009 Read more
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    Louis Menand on writing workshops

    Louis Menand talks about writing workshops.

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Elizabeth Kolbert on mass extinctions

    Elizabeth Kolbert on the history of mass extinctions.

    May 18, 2009
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    Nick Paumgarten on the financial crisis

    Nick Paumgarten on understanding the financial crisis.

    May 11, 2009
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    Tom Shone on J. G. Ballard

    Tom Shone discusses J. G. Ballard's novels and the films ...

    Tom Shone discusses J. G. Ballard's novels and the films they inspired.

    May 4, 2009 Read more
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    Philip Gourevitch on Rwanda

    Philip Gourevitch on how a country of murderers and survivors ...

    Philip Gourevitch on how a country of murderers and survivors manage to live together.

    Apr 27, 2009 Read more
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    Elif Batuman on Harvard’s bells

    Elif Batuman on the return of Harvard's bells to Russia.

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Burkhard Bilger on Florida’s wildlife

    Burkhard Bilger on Florida’s problem with invasive exotic wildlife.

    Apr 13, 2009