American Misfits
American Misfits is an action packed comedy/skateboarding show that constantly pushes the boundaries with top quality and innovative skating and mind warping humor. As Laban Pheidias and Ted Newsome delve into absurd situations with their "Boss", favorite segments like 10 Tricks, Featured Misfit, and Notorious ...
American Misfits is an action packed comedy/skateboarding show that constantly pushes the boundaries with top quality and innovative skating and mind warping humor. As Laban Pheidias and Ted Newsome delve into absurd situations with their "Boss", favorite segments like 10 Tricks, Featured Misfit, and Notorious Nate return with a vengeance. Plus brand new segments like SLAM, European Misfits, Spot Check, Gnar Car and Music Skate elevate the show to a whole new level of awesomeness. Speaking of awesomeness, Built to Shred returns with host Jeff King who continues to create incredible skate spots for all out shred extravaganzas.
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